Ticket Stamper
Special Options
Electronic Counter
Ext. Wheel Adjustm.
Additional Features
Ink Cartridges
Tube Punch
Industrial Engravings
Spare Parts & Repair
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ZIFA Today
Team & Technology
Ticket Stamper

Special Options

The number of ticket stampers with special features has grown in the past years in reply to the individual needs of our customers. On the following pages you will find the main options as well as additional features that can be ordered for almost all models of our ZIFA-Ticket Stamper.

All ticket stampers with special features are based on the basic body of the standard version, but contain certain modifications for varied uses.

Please choose one of the following options:

Perforation: ticket stamper with additional perforation
Time: print includes time stamp
Electronic Counter: ticket stamper features a LCD-counting device (self-powered)
External Wheel Adjustment: wheels can be set from outside the stamper body
Additional Features

If there is any request beside the options displayed on this website please contact us and we will find a solution.

Please do not hesitate to give us a call or to use the contact form for your questions!